Friday, February 15, 2008

Thursday - The Band

I was first introduced to this band by a friend asking me to play their songs by ear. She let me listen to Standing on the Edge of Summer from the Full Collapse album, as well as Understanding in a Car Crash.

At the start, I liked the sound of the former, not so much the latter. But as I listened more, Understanding in a Car Crash soon grew on me. I got addicted to these two songs, and soon enough was listening to their other songs as well. Particularly good are Autobiography of a Nation and Paris in Flames, but there are other nice songs also in Full Collapse.

What makes their songs great is how the lyrics are written--full of imagery, but still making sense if you listen to it with your heart. If it's a painting? It would be of the genre of surrealism, like Salvador Dali's painting or something like that. I like the way the lead vocalist sings in a melodious tone, and then out of nowhere (like lightning flashing from a serene sky) the second voice would scream. It sort of wakes you up. I know, he sounds like my neighbor screaming without tune, but it actually adds to an aggressive effect. It's like the scream of someone in anguish, in despair. The drum patterns are good! The bassist is great too. The guitarists and the distortion effects, as well as the clear melodious rifts, and the piano, they all add up to really good music.

Thursday is the type of band that the first time you listen to them, you'll probably just pass it up. But as you listen to their songs again, Thursday grows on you and becomes one of your all time favorites! As opposed to songs and bands that you like so much at first, but eventually get tired of listening to later.

Thursday really rocks!

Here are Thursday's band members:

Thursday Band Members
  • Geoff Rickly - vocals
  • Tom Keeley - guitar, vocals
  • Steve Pedulla - guitar, vocals
  • Tim Payne - bass guitar
  • Tucker Rule - drums

  • Waiting
  • Full Collapse
  • War All The Time
  • City by the Light Divided

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